Long time no see, NG! Sorry about the silence, I've been getting myself back into the groove of being a functional human. So far, so good. I've even managed to get into college (again)!
But that's not what I'm here to talk about. Instead, I'm gonna talk about something else I've been doing this past weekend, and that was my first big boy sprite rip! It took me several hours and has 33 individual sheets.
(yaaay. wooo. go natsuki!!)
The game in question is Tabemasu Games' first (and only) app, Kawaii Killer! It's got everything, senseless violence, cute animals, and a secret ending that totally changes everything :O Not to mention, there's 3 versions of the game that are completely lost media.
Honestly, I'm surprised nobody really talks about it. I only know it exists because of a banned games iceberg. Seems like something right up the NG crowd's alley, but I guess it slipped past (or I just can't find anyone talking about it XD).
Anyways, not to sound like a shill, but you should totally try it. Please. I need someone to talk about this game with.
Ta ta for now!