A fine salutations to you, fellow Newgrounds users!
Some of you know and some of you don't, but I started a new club in an effort to build a tiny community. It's not going great but it's also existed for only 2 days so I'm not expecting too much of it yet. What I am expecting is at least one other member, which is why I've spent the day sketching out a small poster for us, that way when people do join I can add them to it.
In other news, I'm working on my own comic as well. Not for the contest that's going on, because deadlines make me nervous, but more as a flexing of my creative muscles. I don't think I've regularly drawn comics since like...2015? So it'll be good to get back into it, especially if I have friends/members to draw :D
I'm going to get back to doing that now, but I figured I'd drop a lil update since there's at least 2 people that read these.
Until next time, またね